With the rising numbers in racing games titles, video games developers tried to out-do each other, or tried to justify the gamer’s money, by putting additional game play features such as weapon combat, advantageous items or speed boosters (or otherwise) lying in strategic points in the racing track. With game play features like these, I feel that racing games can be divided into 2 sub-genre…
Combat racing games have started early with the release of DeathTrack in 1989!
The 2 Sub-Genre of Racing Games
Currently, with all the features and what-not offered by video game developers for gamers, I think the racing game genre can be divided into 2 sub-genre: “Simulation” and “Twisted”. Don’t get me wrong, “Twisted” is not in the bad sense, but rather, “Twisted” as in “with a twist”. Racing games with combat, weapons or game play features, that are not elements in real-life races, are what I’m referring to.
“Simulation” Racing Games
Are “Simulation” Racing games boring? Rigid? Stale? Too high-brow for the average gamer? Don’t think so… the thrill, danger and exhilaration of speed… the feeling of power and mastery over the vehicles… the sense of achievement brought about by beating your personal best or your closest rival… “Simulation” racing games offer fun in the ways why racing in real life is fun!
“Evolved” Racing Games
Are “Evolved” racing games evil? Do they pollute and dilute the racing spirit? Are they impure? I would say no. They offer gamers what games are about in the first place, that is… having fun! They offer fun in different ways than what is available in real-life, limited only by their imagination, technical capabilities, team size etc…