Ksatria Gameworks

GCA 2008 | The First Day

Not sure how it went for GCA 2008 today, was working on the demo in the office with the rest of the Ksatria team. Even though we managed to get quite a bit done today, we still have lots of things to fix and issues to resolve. Anyway doesn’t help to think too much, just dive in and work, we still have tomorrow morning for our last burst of fire!

Lone Wolf XBox360 Conversion for GCA2008

We are using the Xbox360 controller this year to demo Lone Wolf, and I’ve been working on converting Lone Wolf from the PC version to the XBOX360 version… tweaking game play, levels and control wise. I’ve never played any games on the XBOX360 (Surprise!). So, this is my first experience with it.
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Lost a good friend this week…

Monday is not a good day, lost a good friend and Ksatria lost a good programmer, when Laurant went back to France. (…he wasn’t even here for a full year… damn…)

This tall skinny guy, that you can’t see if he stands sideway because of how thin he is, is the creator of SFML, and also works on the gameplay code of Lone Wolf.

From what I heard, theres no game development studios where he is going, but hope something good happens and he’s able to stay on in the game development industry, because its kind of a waste I guess, if he does something else, being such a strong and passionate game programmer.

Just wanna wish him and his girlfriend all the best here!

Hey orange-juice – cola – F&N – useless – codes – 3×3 – and – 5×5 – Rubik – cube – paper – thin dude (the useless-code part is an internal joke…), if you are reading this, sorry I never went to the airport to send you off, but stay in touch, and we’ll meet up again!