Anomaly Racing Resurrection Test Track 4 – Jump Ramps v2

Don’t miss it! See Box Boy ride a “cel-shaded” Box! Mainly reviewing and testing everything that is done so far in “Test Track 4”. Results as below.

Game Development Details

  1. Did some simple modifications to the script for the Ray picking and fall.
  2. Did a quick new track layout to test out a combination of turns and jumps to see how the craft is handling so far.
  3. The “cel-shade” is a fake one, a technique I learnt about while I was working on Anomaly Racing UT2004 Mod.

Next Games Development Tasks To Do

  1. Improve smoothness on Ramp
  2. Improve smoothness upon Landing
  3. Break up the Scripts so that the Player (or AI) scripts are separated from the crafts. Have the Crafts be moving according to inputs only.
  4. Need to fix the landing portion of the fall because it is just “popping” to position
